● Watch videos on this channel to win health and victory! By Bushido (Japanese soul) and the Bible, both on earth and in heaven!
● We will provide the Japanese world masterpiece literature reading Saito Bunko that enriches your heart for free through this YouTube channel.
● This library is [Japanese and world writers (52 Japanese, 56 overseas), a total of 108 masterpiece literary works, a total of 656 readings (Japanese), reading: Naoko Saito].
The author list, work list, and YouTube address (with links) for each work will be published on the following homepage.
"Brain Scientist Eiji Saito's Health Victory School (Homepage Version)"
⇒ esaitou.c.ooco.jp/
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● A cheering song given to you by Eiji Saito, a brain scientist and doctor of medicine (published a total of 1.2 million copies of health and brain power development books)!
● Profile of Eiji Saito (from Wikipedia)
⇒ ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%89%E8%97%A4%E8%8B%B1%…