Welcome to Lunar Astrology. I'm Emily Kalcher: Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader and Moon Lover. I aim to help you grow your potential & manifest your dreams with the divine timing of the lunar cycle.
My values are of loving kindness, compassion and empowerment for all. I intend to share these with you in everything I do.
Book a Reading With Me:
I have a wonderful Lunar Astrology Community on Facebook and Instagram. You'll find me here: @emilylunarastrology on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram
My bi-monthly email list is totally free and let's you know what I am up to. When signing up to the VIP Moon Manifestor email list you receive a FREE Working With The Lunar Cycle Guide PDF. I email around the New and Full Moons.
My blog via www.emilylunarastrology.com/blog just £5 per month with New & Full Moon blogs, spiritual practices, aspects, which house this falls in your chart by rising/ascendant sign, crystals and chakras to work with.