Inspired by Beijing Olympic softball games I watched on TV in 2008, I started visiting and watching softball league games.
I wanted to watch it again at home, so I started filming games. First two with phone(awful vid quality...), then bought camera(Canon FS10). Wanted better vid quality and bought Sony AX2000 in 2011 March, so video files til 2010 are 480p, since 2011 are 1080p.
Sorry for poor vid quality till 2010 files.
I'm basically an Iyo Bank team fan and supporter.
Till 2011 I was filming various teams games, since 2012 basically only games related to Iyo Bank team for some reason.
Softball league itself started filming and broadcasting since around 2014/2015, so I reduced filming by myself after 2014.
I'm just a softball fan, I don't play softball myself.
*This channel films aren't monetised.*
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