Fate Tournament
"Where wrolds are born"
Est. 7/10/13 by PrincessYukita
There is only one judge unlike most which is the founder.
This will ensure fair judgment and no bias judgment or discrimination.
There are top prizes at stake, but they will not be posted until after deadline for the tournament is over so they can be updated thoroughly (talking about the top money prize.)
This is a competition for everyone and anyone that wishes to join please spread the promo around and lets get this thing ready for Jan 1st. The more people the bigger the cash prize.
Good luck to all participates, and may the editing be with you in these times of fate.
Feel free to contact PrincessYukita if she does not respond here in the time limit you want, but this is checked daily.
Round 1- Free Style
Round 2- Identity
Round 3- Sin to Virtue
Round 4- Twisted Fate
Round 5- Frozen in Time
Round 6- World View (Philosophical)