Hi This is Manmohan Pal, By Profession I Am a Computer Instructor and Electronics and Robotics is my Passion.
As I am a Teacher I want to teach all my skills to my students and Youtube viewers,
My Channel contains the video tutorials for Electronics, Robotics, Art, Craft, Science Projects, Easy Electronics, Arduino Projects, Raspberry Projects, Robotic Programming, Science toys, Gadgets, Android Apps, Computer Hardware and Software Tools, Electronics Building Blocks, Science and Technology, Mobile phones, Computers, Gadgets.
IC 555 Timer, Bread board circuits, electronic projects, Tutorials.
Aim is to Educate the Young generation, and Promote technical education, help people to develop skills to understand Electronics and Robotics and Computer Programming,
Feel Free to ask any Query Regarding my videos.
Manmohan Pal,
Whatsapp: 8989811397,
Email: mannmohanpal@gmail.com