Van Poole Properties Group is the leading real estate group in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. In fact, Van Poole Properties Group has been named the #1 Team in the #1 Brokerage for all of Collin, Dallas, and Denton Counties, #1 in Luxury, & #1 in number of families helped.
We understand what it means to find that perfect place to call home. We have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to help you do just that. We believe in going above and beyond for our clients, being innovators in the real estate industry, and exceeding expectations at every opportunity.
We always provide exceptional levels of service to all our clients and would love to be your trusted real estate resource. For a complimentary one-on-one consultation and free evaluation for your next real estate move in DFW, contact us at 214-267-9222 or email us at