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Ben Burkhart

32 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Ben Burkhart Welcome to my channel. Iā€™m Ben, a 32-year-old

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Ben Burkhart
Posted 4 months ago

Ever feel like youā€™re both the prisoner and the warden inside your own mind? The constant battle of trying to escape, only to realize youā€™re the one keeping yourself locked in. Itā€™s exhausting, frustratingā€¦ and thereā€™s no way to win.

Iā€™ve tried to break free from this mental prison so many times, but the truth is, Iā€™m my own worst enemy. Every time I think Iā€™ve found a way out, itā€™s me holding the key, keeping the door shut. The warden keeps me in line, but the prisoner inside? Heā€™s slowly breaking.

Some days, I wonder if Iā€™ll ever escape this cycle. And thatā€™s the part that haunts me the most.šŸ“

#benburkhartblog #mentalhealthstruggles #mentalhealthart #selfreflection #depressionjourney #innerconflict #darkart #mindsetmatters #rawthoughts #melancholy #anxietystory #mentalhealthawareness #depressionawareness #solitudeandstruggle #selfdoubtjourney #darkartstyle #emotionalturmoil #mentalhealthwarrior #selfsabotageawareness #solitarystruggle #mindisaprison

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 4 months ago

ā€œSmile, itā€™ll trick your brain into feeling happy!ā€
Ah yes, the magic of smiling! Too bad my brain is too busy self-destructing to be tricked by something as simple as smiling like a fool. People love throwing around these feel-good phrases, as if they could magically cure the battles inside my head. But when every day feels like a fight against my own thoughts, these words feel more like salt in the wound than a solution.
Not every day can be fixed with a smile. Sometimes, itā€™s okay to admit that youā€™re not okay.
If youā€™ve ever felt this way, youā€™re not alone. And if youā€™re tired of hearing these empty words, I hear you. Letā€™s talk about the realities of living with mental health struggles, beyond the clichĆ©s..

#mentalhealthawareness #depressionawareness #relatablequotes #mentalhealthjourney #toxicpositivity #mentalhealthadvocate #darkart #mentalhealthstruggles #realandraw #lonelinessquotes #introvertsunite #mentalhealthquotes #darkthoughts #anxietyproblems #brokeninside #mentalhealthmatters #rawhonesty #depressionquotes #mentalhealthcommunity #artforthesoul

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

I donā€™t need grand gestures; just someone who truly wants me around. Someone who misses me even when Iā€™m silent, even when Iā€™m a mess.šŸ“

#benburkhartblog #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealthblogger #loneliness #emotionalisolation #authenticfeelings #rawthoughts #mentalhealthjourney #melancholymood #mentalhealthawareness #solitudethoughts #depressionawareness #lonelythoughts

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

Ever feel like youā€™re moving through life on mute? Like someoneā€™s turned down the volume on your emotions; and no matter what you do, you just canā€™t seem to turn it back up? Thatā€™s what depression feels like for me. Itā€™s not just sadness or feeling down; itā€™s this numbness, this emptiness, like everything I once cared about, everything that used to bring me joy, just doesnā€™t matter anymore.

I used to think the worst part of depression was feeling sad all the time. But what no one tells you is that the real weight comes from not feeling anything at all. I could be in the most beautiful place, doing something I once loved, and yetā€¦ nothing. The world moves on, and Iā€™m stuck here in this muted version of life, watching it all unfold without me.

Iā€™ve spent years trying to figure out how to get those emotions back; how to turn up the volume, to feel something again. But the more I search for that switch, the further it seems. I donā€™t think people understand what itā€™s like to go through the motions every day and not feel anything. Itā€™s exhausting in a way I canā€™t explain.

The hardest part is when people ask, "Why aren't you happy? Youā€™ve got so much going for you." But they donā€™t realize itā€™s not about whatā€™s happening around me; itā€™s about whatā€™s happening inside me; or rather, what isnā€™t happening. That emotional disconnect is terrifying, and thereā€™s no quick fix to plug back into the world.

So yeah, depression isnā€™t just sadness. Itā€™s waking up and realizing youā€™ve forgotten what joy, passion, or even pain feels like. Itā€™s being trapped in a silent world and wondering if youā€™ll ever hear your own voice again.šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸ’»

Can relate? Drop a šŸ–¤ or share your thoughts in the comments.

#depressionawareness #mentalhealthmatters #lifeinpictures #feelingsinwords #mentalwellness #mentalhealthblogger

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

You ever just wish you could turn your mind off? Itā€™s like the chaos never stops; racing thoughts about the past; the present; the future; itā€™s exhausting. But hereā€™s the thing; sometimes Iā€™m scared of what that silence would say.

The non-stop whirlwind in my head feels endless. Itā€™s like my mind is constantly dwelling on things that happened years ago; overwhelmed by whatā€™s happening now; and completely anxious about whatā€™s coming next. Thereā€™s no rest; no break. I know a lot of people can probably relate.

Honestly; other than the meds or sleeping pills, the only thing that seems to quiet the chaos is music. Iā€™m almost never without it. Whether itā€™s a playlist; a podcast; an audiobook; something has to fill the noise. Because the truth is; as overwhelming as all these racing thoughts are; the real silence is even worse. Being alone with my thoughts for too long without any kind of distraction? It feels dangerous.
Itā€™s strange how silence should feel peaceful; but for me; itā€™s the exact opposite.

Can relate? Drop a šŸ–¤ or share your thoughts in the comments!

#MentalHealth #DepressionStruggles #MentalHealthMatters #AnxietyRelief #MentalHealthJourney #DepressionAwareness #MentalHealthSupport #RacingThoughts #Overthinking #AnxietyHelp #HealingJourney #Mindfulness #MentalHealthRecovery #EmotionalHealth #DepressionHelp

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

Do you ever find yourself apologizing for your mental health? I do. A lot more than I should..

"Sorry, I can't make it out tonightā€¦ thereā€™s just too many people, and I canā€™t handle it." Or, "I'm sorry Iā€™ve been quiet lately. Iā€™m just not doing well." Sometimes I even lie about it entirely, saying Iā€™m sick with something people understand better, like the flu. Why? Because explaining why Iā€™m mentally exhausted or anxious feels like opening myself up to judgment. And letā€™s be real; thereā€™s still so much misunderstanding around mental health that it sometimes feels easier to just pretend Iā€™ve got a cold than admit that depression is keeping me in bed today.

Iā€™ve learned to apologize for things that are completely out of my control, and thatā€™s not okay. I wouldnā€™t apologize for having a physical illness, so why do I feel the need to apologize when my mind and emotions canā€™t keep up with life? But for some reason, society has made it seem like mental health is something we should hide, something we should feel guilty about.

The truth is, living with anxiety or depression doesnā€™t need an apology. Itā€™s not a personal failure. Itā€™s not something you choose. Yet, it feels like Iā€™m constantly explaining myself, making excuses for why Iā€™m not okay, and pretending to be someone Iā€™m not, just to make others more comfortable. Itā€™s exhausting. And sometimes, it feels like Iā€™m apologizing for simply existing.

Iā€™m still learning to stop saying "sorry" when my mental health takes a hit. Iā€™m still working on being honest about how I feel without feeling the need to cover it up. Because I deserve that honesty, and honestly, so do the people who care about me. Mental health isnā€™t something to apologize for; itā€™s part of who I am, and thatā€™s okay.šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸ’»

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

Trauma isnā€™t something you can just ā€œmove onā€ from. It takes time, patience, and deep emotional work to heal. For those of us whoā€™ve been through it, the process is complex. The event shattered our sense of safety, leaving us in a constant state of ā€˜fight or flight.ā€™

Unlearning the behaviors weā€™ve developed to protect ourselves takes time. Flashbacks can hit unexpectedly, making us relive those moments as if theyā€™re happening all over again. And maybe worst of all, the trauma can alter our entire worldview. We canā€™t go back to how things were beforeā€”it changes you forever.

So no, we canā€™t just ā€œget over it.ā€ Healing from trauma is about rebuilding, learning to feel safe again, and accepting that life is different now..

#traumahealing #mentalhealthjourney #ptsdawareness #healingfromwithin #mentalhealthawareness #overcomingtrauma #traumarecovery #selfhealingjourney #emotionalwellbeing #selfgrowth #mentalhealthsupport #healingprocess #ptsdrecovery #darkartcommunity #healingisajourney

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Ben Burkhart
Posted 5 months ago

Do you ever just stop and wonder why we spend so much time seeking happiness in other people? I used to think that if I could just find the right person, everything would fall into place. That somehow, someone else would fix what was broken inside me. But after years of being alone, Iā€™ve realized something different: happiness doesnā€™t come from anyone else. Itā€™s not something you can get from a relationship or someoneā€™s validation.

For me, Iā€™ve spent the last six years mostly on my own. And yeah, Iā€™ve felt lonely at times; who wouldnā€™t? But Iā€™ve also found something else. A kind of peace. Thereā€™s no one around to disappoint me, no one to let me down. I donā€™t have to rely on anyoneā€™s actions to feel okay. Itā€™s just me, and in that solitude, Iā€™ve started to carve out small moments of happiness that are mine alone.

I used to think I couldnā€™t survive without other people, that I needed someone to be happy. But now, I find happiness in different ways. Itā€™s in the silence of the forest during a morning walk, in the stillness of my apartment when the world outside feels too loud. Itā€™s in the freedom of not having to constantly manage other peopleā€™s emotions or deal with their drama.

Being alone doesnā€™t scare me anymore. In fact, itā€™s the place where Iā€™m most at peace. And while I might not have the life I imagined, these small moments, theyā€™re mine. And maybe thatā€™s enough..

#MentalHealthJourney #SelfReflection #AloneButNotLonely #NatureHealing #InnerPeace

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