in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
And there it is... I have been right all along on how the "known World" was viewed by ancient populations such as the Babylonians in the Iron Age. For the Bible believers, why is important to not see the world in our modernized view but that of ancient perspectives and understanding, i.e., "four corners of the earth"?
#Assyria #Babyloan #Israel #Judah #Urartu
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Hey all,
I hope everyone is doing well. I have decided to deactivate this account.
Continue to learn the historicity of whom the ancient populations were from the biblical timeline. Do not ever regret questioning the importance of who these ancient populations were. Regardless if you are religious or non-religious, it still gives you a fundamental understanding of the historical context of which people were associated with the ancient populations found in the Bible. Keep questioning, keep learning, and take care of yourself.
Best regards,
Biblical DNA (Dan)
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This is a whole lot of samples they have. The dates are from the Old Kingdom, encompassing the Third to Sixth Dynasties, which is notably known as the "Age of the Pyramids" due to the extensive pyramid construction during this time, particularly under the Fourth Dynasty with pharaohs like Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.
"Researchers from the National Museum in Prague analyzed the skeletons of 69 men buried at a necropolis in Abusir, Egypt, dated to between 2700 BC and 2180 BC. Thirty of these were scribes, whose skeletons showed more degenerative joint changes indicative of osteoarthritis than non-scribes, in locations in their bodies that correspond to their sitting positions while carrying out their work."…
Brukner Havelková, P., Dulíková, V., Bejdová, Š. et al. Ancient Egyptian scribes and specific skeletal occupational risk markers (Abusir, Old Kingdom). Sci Rep 14, 13317 (2024).
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"Among the skeletal remains of around ninety-five individuals" which are dated from the 8th century BCE to 7th century BCE.
95 ANCIENT JUDEAN SAMPLES in Ketef Hinnom repository chamber?!?!
Can we please get these ancient samples sequenced and peer-reviewed published? This will end the discussion of who the ancient Judeans were. Out of 95 samples there has to be a few reliable that would easily pass the contamination and degradation process.
Ketef Hinnom Scrolls
by Joshua J. Van Ee…
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Henschel, A., Saif-Ali, R., Al-Habori, M. et al. Human migration from the Levant and Arabia into Yemen since Last Glacial Maximum. Sci Rep 14, 31704 (2024).
"This type of regional diversity can drive the genetic structure differentiating between these regions, offering insight into the broader history15. Previous studies using Y-chromosome analyses have shown that populations within the Arabian Peninsula, including Yemen show some degree of genetic differentiation16,17. Y-chromosome haplogroups and Y-STR markers analyses also demonstrate genetic diversity between Arabia and North Africa on the one hand and between Arabia and the Levant on the other18,19. The Y-haplogroup dispersal, J1 and J1e in particular provides evidence of population movements between the Levant and Arabia dating back multiple millennia19,20. However, mitochondrial DNA analyses present a contrasting perspective showing less mtDNA haplogroup differentiation between Arabian populations and North Africans, but greater difference in mtDNA haplogroup distribution between Arabia and the Levant17,21,22,23. Finally, the combined autosomal DNA, Y-chromosome and mtDNA results provide extensive evidence for dynamic, and multiple back and forth migration events between Arabia and East Africa dating back to at least 12,000 years before present24,25,26,27."
"Subsequently, empires fueled by wealth from wide ranging trade, found Yemen at the crossroads again, connecting the Harappan civilization, Sumer, Dilmun, Egypt, and Mediterranean Levantine cultures such as Israel10, the Phoenicians, Greece and later by British and European mercantilism and colonialism11."
"But recent evidence by Al Jallad and others document an (eastern) Levantine genesis of “classical” Arabic supporting the narrative presented here and previous arguments proposing cultural and linguistic flow from the Levant to Yemen. These findings are also supported through the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis by Kitchen et al. estimating an Early Bronze Age origin for Semitic languages in the Levant58,59,60."
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In 2025, PopGen Ancient Egypt is a project that uses ancient DNA (aDNA) to study Egypt's genetic history. The project focused on analyzing mummies and skeletal remains from various archaeological sites in Egypt, spanning a period of about 5,000 years (4000 BCE–CE 800). This project, which runs from June 2021 to February 2025, analyzes ancient DNA from Egyptian mummies and skeletal remains to reconstruct Egypt's population genetic history. It uses high-throughput sequencing methods to reconstruct mitochondrial genomes and whole-genome datasets.
The project's goals will include:
Reconstructing mitochondrial genomes for all specimens.
Reconstructing whole-genome datasets for specimens with well-preserved DNA.
Investigating Egypt's genetic history on a genome-wide scale and on a uniparental level.
In 2025, the EgyptRef project for "modern-day Egyptians" is expected to conclude by the end of 2025, aiming to fully represent the Egyptian population within the reference genome by that time, which aims to create a reference genome for the Egyptian population.
The project's goals will include:
Sequencing the genomes of 200 ancient Egyptian mummies.
Sequencing the genomes of 20,000 apparently healthy Egyptians.
Characterizing the genomes of 8,000 patients with common and rare diseases.
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"One study now underway is looking at metabolites in Egyptian mummies to better understand how diseases such as tuberculosis and plague impacted various levels of society."
The science stories likely to make the biggest headlines in 2025…
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HUGE NEWS from Dr. Altaweel. The findings from 'Returning to Babylon' Well 4 at Nimrud will be published "in a high impact journal". This peer-reviewed publication will include detailed genomic data from "well preserved finds"! They have both local Y and X haplogroups and various haplogroups from the different regions that were found in Well 4 and other locations not released to the public from the Assyrian empire. The ancestry from these samples can also be linked to the source populations of where these individual samples came from.
Aww man! This is truly exciting news!
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Dr. Mark Altaweel Professor of Near East Archaeology and Archaeological Data Science has genetic evidence of where the samples found in Nineveh, Assyria well 4 were genetically from. The locations are shown on the picture display. The individual skeletons came from areas where the Assyrians had conquered.
Narrator: "These are not prisoners or slaves but people who were invited to join the Assyrians that enabled Nineveh to grow and prosper."
Returning to Babylon
Premiere: 10/2/2024…
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I understand that religions are man-made. However, the purpose of this YouTube channel is to address the Nations of people who are said to be descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The focus will be on Biblical Nation's culture, religion(Israelism, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Ancient Babylonian), and language barriers(Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Sinaitic, Phoenician, Hebrew). According to the Bible's Chronology and genealogical records, the Earth is 5,783 AM(Anno Mundi or Year After Creation). With that being said, I understand that not all ethnicities or people of the Earth are from the mythical Bible story of Noah and his three sons. For example, Australian Aborigines and American Aboriginals were already on their own continent before the Biblical Adam was born. Haplogroups do not line up with the Bible Chronology. I will address YouTubers that have taken it upon themselves to discredit the Jews, Kohanim, Samaritan Israelites, and Arabs, from being who they claim they are.