If is forbidden to talk about Peace --Neighborhood against neighborhood , everyone takes it up much better inside the butt!
If you glue a broom to the tail of a hen ! This doesn't become a peacock! The madman is mad, he doesn't know he's mad, but don't call him a fool, he's not a fool! Vaseline opens asses like mouths! By a mathematical equation, Vaseline stands for money! And mouths open for the effect of money! Vaseline = Money! The worst thing one can do is rewrite history to one's own taste and liking! Better to hide it ... like dust under the carpet, which will turn up sooner or later! There are two types of powder! Distinguished by colour! Grey for shooting and white for shooting .... up the nose ! The first kills, the second kills ...... the brain! ! The bloodhound follows the trail ! In fact he snorts it
All bands are kindly requested to write below if removing the video ! Music and cover arts belongs to them !
Will be done ! Thank you for your kind attention