I know its so ridiculous when Muslims take credit for science. Language, Mathematics, medicine, etc, when in reality all came from Aliens like the Annunaki!! see You-Tube videos like "Alien Annunaki Illuminati who gave us Science, Language, Mathematics, etc." or
"Are we living in a constant lie? - The Sumerians and the Annunaki"
There is nothing wrong with Arabs or Muslims in general..The are very good people by heart but are being enslaved by a mind virus called Islam. Believe me when I say a free Muslim ( EX-Muslim) is a great, loving and truly compassionate person.
Despite the fact that Muslims by virtue of being poor and uneducated are much more reproductive than others, Islam as a religion is not growing but dying fast.
More and more Muslims are discovering that the violence evinced by some of their coreligionists is not an aberration but is inspired by the teachings of the Quran and the examples set by its author. Muslims are becoming disillusioned with Islam. They find out that the mechanistic ritual of praying five times per day, reciting verses that they do not understand and indeed mean nothing, getting up at taxing hours of the morning and abstaining from food and water until the sunset are not means to becoming more spiritual but are instruments to control their mind. These enlightened Muslims no more heed to the fear mongering verses of the Quran that threaten to burn them and roast them in the fires of hell if they dare to think and question the validity of that book.
Every day thousands of Muslim intellectuals are leaving Islam. They find Islam inconsistent with science, logics, human rights and ethics. Millions of Iranians already have left Islam. The enlightened Muslims of other nationalities are not far behind. This is the beginning of a mass exodus from Islam. It is a movement that is already in motion and nothing can stop it.
Islam has thus been the very worst thing for the Muslims themselves, and it continues to caste a pall over their progress. Worse still, Muslims are steering their religion in the direction they would believe it to steer themselves, in and with a vision which can only compound error with more error.
The Enlightenment age has began . People are becoming much smarter, more rational and thoughtful, and superstition is becoming more marginalizes. Many will keep believing in no God at all or a nicer type of God, than the punishing psychopathic kind of god (bible or koran) who has millions of ri