🇵🇭🇪🇪We are a Filipino Estonian couple. Kris is 38 and Vangie is 24. Sometimes we curse and swear, sometimes we are polite. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry. We love travelling, vloging, working out and partying. Kris has way too many beers sometimes and Vangie hides a split personality and shes called Samantha. But we make it all work like its nothing and actually we love each other till death do us part!
All praise to God and his merciful love, because us sinful monkeys really dont deserve it, but God is good all the time! With the Lords help we hope to build a house of our own one day and truly make Philippines our home base!
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Paypal: Vangiemovera@gmail.com
Bank transfer/Account number: 2629-1300-82/ Vangie Movera
Instagram/Fb: Vangie Sarita Movera
Instagram: kristjan_toomsalu