MAME ROMs #games are played in all over world. I think all those who played these games still #love these games. Let's be kids again, watch these games and remember your childhood days.
#mugen is a word of Japanese origin, meaning dream, fantasy, or infinite... M.U.G.E.N is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte, originally released on July 17th, 1999. The program was written in C with the Allegro library. Beta versions were made for DOS, Linux and Windows, and was distributed through Elecbyte's official website. "M.U.G.E.N." is actually an unknown acronym. The creators never revealed what it actually means. In fact, they admittedly stated that they forgot what it stood for. Now old and new versions of games are available in MUGEN to play free also.
All the videos are only for #entertainment purpose.
All the credits goes to the authors and editors of Chars, Stages etc in games. I am thankful to all of them.