Call me Comrade, Call me Friend, And Call Me Brother. I am just a guy who has dreams and ambitions of greatness! I have this idea or dream whatever you want to call it. I want to become someone who impacts History and not lost to the pages of History, not to become just a number or statistic in some old book. But instead have those books written about me, with my Beloved Girl by my side. Together me and her will impact this world and be talked about long after we have left this world. Like some of my inspirers including Che Guevara, Lawrence of Arabia, and Giuseppe Garibaldi they all changed History in huge ways to which we all must be eternally grateful for.
People i admire:
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Che Guevara
T.E. Lawrence
Fidel Castro
Josip Broz Tito
Maximilien Robespierre
Giuseppe Mazzini
Monte Melkonian
Jean Jacques Rousseau
"I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me."
-Giuseppe Garibaldi
"When I was an adolescent, I was obsessed with having many commercial things, cars, clothes, stupid things. Now that I have all that, I understand that the superfluous things can turn you into a very stupid idiot-type. In East Germany there were very few things, but there was also a feeling of solidarity that no longer exists. Now we are up to the neck in consumption, the ego, the individualism. Now before friendship, it is merchandise."
-Till Lindermann
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong."
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A hard life gives a person a true picture of what this world is like, I have grown up not having a lot and watching others beside me progress fast and being left in the dusty. But you who read this must see something. Just because life is hard on you is no reason to quit out on it. Something like killing yourself is no way to solve your problems cause after your dead everyone who loved you is left with pain. I have had a somewhat hard life I would say it was hell but I have doors closed on me which has hurt me, I have lost loved ones who some I didn't know all that well and only through death do I see what they meant to me. Something else I want to share with whoever is reading this, when your with someone take a minute and think of what you have there because she or he can be everything you have ever wanted and much more, or give the person a chance