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Hi, I'm Zac (Zwinkle) I've been playing WoW since BC. Here y

Baited by Barrier? When you get the % bug in Grim Batol for the first time... Seems balanced? Any idea what season 2 meta will be? M+ dungeon bugs? Can I get a key refund Blizz? Tanking for the first time in WoW... Tanks in M+ this season... Summing up M+ in The War Within Tanks in The War Within dps players when they realize they have a kick and utility buttons... Resto Shaman life in m+ We've all been there... The secret to being a better wow healer Don't make me go back When the tank keeps pinging random things in the dungeon kick? Disc Priest and Prot Pally in m+ since 11.0.5 Resto Shaman when they drop from the meta When you stay up all night to try and get some io... Summing up class tuning so far in The War Within Interviewing for a new WoW Guild Casually patting myself on the back for healing another pug key When you're the reason the key bricks... Every healer but Rsham trying to get into keys Resto Shaman M+ Life When they finally nerf m+ The state of pugging high keys in TWW State of the healing meta in WoW Save your kicks and stuns in keys this season More healer tuning incoming including MORE Hpal nerfs hpal vs other healers in m+ Healing in WoW hurts my brain Kick? Holy Paladin Quick Guide/Rotation Cheat Sheet How to master all monk specs in WoW Pugginng as a healer in mythic+ When the tank asks if they can try something new out Hpal before Tuesdays Nerfs 11.0.5 Is giving Holy Paladin another talent tree rework! Healing the 1st week of M+ in War Within 10 RAREST MOUNTS IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT Holy Paladin Rotation Quick Guide and Cheat Sheet for Raid & Mythic+ We knew it was coming... More Holy Paladin Nerfs in The War Within When the tank bites off more than they can chew... Mythic+ drops in less than a week for War Within! Top 10 Unobtainable Mounts in World of Warcraft How to do more damage - Holy Paladin Mythic+ WoW's 20th Anniversary! Rating Tier Sets! For Science! Mythic+ in War Within is going to be wild The War Within is Here and So Are the Floor POV Heroes!