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Hope City Church, Wolverhampton

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Hope City Church is a gospel centred Anglican church based i

When we love the Church, we are loving Jesus. #church #love Where are you showing up? #gospel He disciplines those He loves ❤️ Faithfulness is what Jesus desires ⛪️ #church #gospel #jesus The Work of the Holy Spirit #jesus #gospel “Gently, kindly, humbly.” #gospel #motivation We need Elijah’s in the home, not Ahab’s 🗣️ #gospel #truth “You never graduate from the gospel.” #church #gospel When it comes to preaching, a minister really only has one job… #goodpreaching The martyrdom of Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. #christian #jesus #faith Deception is deceptive 🤔 “Worship should cost you something” #jesus #gospel The light of Christ 💡 #jesus #bible #church #gospel “Where are you?” - God A Faith Founded Upon Facts - NT Wright #faith #christian #jesus #bible Crossless Christianity is a false religion 🗣️ False teachers come to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10 #bibleverse #falseteachers #discernment Learning to fish 🎣 #lofi #christianchurch #bibleverse #evangelism #jesus #christian David’s prayer life // Psalm 5 Tomorrow at HCC 🙏 The Stockdale Paradox: Overcoming pain and betrayal in relationships Why do the nations rage? Psalm 2 “We are required to speak what is right of God.” Job 42:7-8 “Am I sinning or glorifying God in my suffering?” C.S. Lewis “God shouts in our pain…” God is Sovereign 👑 Christians ought not to be sensual… Eph 4:17-5:21 “There but for the grace of God, go I.” “O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow…” The Church needs Christ Centred Preaching - Eph 3:8 God the Great Architect 🙏🙌 What is the Gospel? Dr. Barnardo and the homeless boy. “The highest science is the study of God.” Spurgeon Your faith is the fruit of your election, not the root. Ephesians 1:1-14 You need the undiluted word of God. Peace with God 🙏 “Does Jesus know you?” God has left nothing to chance 🙏 “Jesus Died for Me” “The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.” Spurgeon There’s hope for you today ✝️ We are most like our Lord when we love. The difference between a true and a false prophet… Spiritual gifts are given to go to work 💪 Should we call out false teachers? 🗣 The Covenant of Grace 🤝 Always be ready to give an answer…