www.dancewithfilme.com | 778.823.4563 | info@dancewithfilme.com
Dance with FilmE is an ALL-GIRLS Learning Academy that specializes in learning the basics and fundamentals of Bhangra and Bollywood. Through online learning lessons, cultural background knowledge tests and in-studio dance time, DWF is able to provide their students with the technicality and mindset needed to keep the Punjabi culture alive.
Bollywood Cinema has captured the hearts of millions across the globe through unforgettable musical performances. Now with the combination of music, dance and acting in our Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced classes, DWF is able to provide their students with the skills needed to engage in creativity, flow, expression and team work.The Dance with Filme Academy will be providing students with a platform to showcase the Magic of Bollywood Cinema and Art of Punjabi Culture at our annual Winter Musical which occurs at the end of each dance year.