Videos of the Unusual, Paranormal, Enigmatic, Unknown and Hidden Secrets we have encountered through the years of research into Ancient Civilizations and the Unrecognized or Unaccepted Historical Enigmas. We are an Exploration Company that specializes in "High End" Research and Recovery. Unusual "things" seem to go hand in hand with these types of scientific studies. For ALL of the times we WISHED we had a camera with us... There were a few times we DID. My first trip to youtube was to start sharing these videos , Dec of 08'. When I looked around at other posted vids I was very, very disapointed. Well to you guys who are out there for "REAL" searching for the "BIG guy"(SASQUATCH), Ufos, Ghosts etc... My hats off to you! And thanks for your contribution to the TRUTH and letting the world know, that all the wonder of the planet isn't gone yet. To the phonies, your breathing is a waste of our air. We hope you have a REAL encounter while filming your FAKE Videos!
Rob Kryder- CEO/KX