- Please 'SUPPORT' our 'WORK' with 'DONATIONS' click on www.richesuncovered.co.uk/gallery.html - and also for INFORMATION on future 'EVENTS' and 'CONCERTS'
Hi - My name is Clare Newton and I'm the founder and Director of a small UK based Charity, called NEWTON'S HERITAGE ART PROJECT.
Over the years we have held a number of public events and open air installations that integrate both Artists and Community.
The purpose of this has been to involve the Community in actively preserving their environment, we have found that the role of the Artist in all of this, is often to highlight aspects of everyday life which communities often take for granted and are therefore not properly valued.
A consequence of this is that often radical changes/development take place in Communities and people often feel that these changes are occuring without their consent or interests. I suppose in a nutshell what we are trying to highlight are those aspects of Community life we often regard as 'ordinary' but are vital in that they express through Culture, Music, Local Buildings what it is to be Human. Such an increase in Consciousness and awareness is taking place all over the World particularly in Non - Western Countries and Cultures. I hope that this Channel will provide a Forum for meeting such groups, for sharing ideas, offering help and support. Please help support our work by making 'DONATION' - click on www.richesuncovered.co.uk/gallery.html - and also for INFORMATION on future 'EVENTS' and 'CONCERTS
London is to host 2012, we are planning to celebrate the two year countdown with Cultural Olypiad's Open Weekend on the 24th July 2010 with VivaCity Festival - Look out for it and visit our VivaCity Channel. We hope in some way to make some meaningful input, so that visitors will be able to enjoy not just the Olympic sporting experience, but get to really enjoy the best of what local Londoners can offer in terms of our Culture, Music, Art, Local Buildings, Food and general hospitality.
click on www.richesuncovered.co.uk/gallery.html - for INFORMATION on future 'EVENTS' and 'CONCERTS
I hope that you enjoy the uploads of RICHES UNCOVERED, particularly those which highlight our work amongst some of the less privileged in our Communities. If you do perhaps you would like to SUBSCRIBE and make a DONATION. Our work is completly self funded, staffed by volunteers and survives without the support of any Government or State Agencies