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大家好!我来自美国。在这里和大家分享早晚餐主意,Party私房菜和摆盘,餐桌布置,和我的花园。希望我的视频能带给你繁忙生活里的片刻愉悦和轻松。欢迎订阅、点赞和转发分享我的频道,谢谢! I enjoy cooking western and eastern fusion cuisine. I will share my personal recipes, some ideas for dish presentation, table setting, and decoration. In my videos, you will see my oldest son who is a high schooler do the introduction, and my daughter and youngest son will participate in some of my cooking videos too. I hope my videos can bring you some joy and relaxation. Please subscribe to my channel, thank you!
* 拥有十年美食、五年花园、餐桌主题布置经验的匠心生活者
* 有三个孩子的不断学习成长的用心修行的妈妈
* 心里有爱,眼里有光,践行自己的生命内外合一的知行者
* 把柴米油盐的普通日子过出乐趣,有生活的仪式感