I am Arun Shahu (SG Sir) - Mentor & Study Consultant.
This Channel is dedicated to all those Students, Learners & Aspirants, who acquires knowledge at every pace of life.
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✳️ पढ़ना जरूरी है, ये तो सभी बताते है।
पर पढ़ना कैसे है, ये हम सिखाते है।।✳️
🔰 Hey SGvians,
Welcome To Stamatics Guide (SG).
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⛰️ Milestones:
🔸100 - 04 Dec 2022
🔹500 - 15 Jan 2024
⛳ "Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
~ Albert Einstein
🔰 Keep Learning & Keep Growing.
❇️ रोज़ सीखो कुछ नया, करो दिमाग को तेज़।
सब्सक्राइब करलो चैनल को, और जीतो हर रेस।।❇️
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