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Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 9 hours ago

In April, I shall POTA... but POTA is boring ALONE. Vote or Comment Below which state I should go do a meetup in..... An opportunity for a LARGE meetup.. Last time it was me and ‪@W7HU‬ Who showed up...and he nearly saved my life :D

12 - 12

Posted 2 days ago

People can do amazing things. MP over at thingiverse remixes my winder and makes it so an LDG Unun could be mounted to it!:

26 - 1

Posted 3 days ago…

Spikes Kits are back in stock (for both masts). Get them while they are in stock. All the reviews seem well so far. One point I want to make: I am working very diligently with a company who is making the spikes out of steel. This change will probably be a few months out. (I tried titanium spikes, but you needed to sell a kidney for one to be made)

***BACK IN STOCK SOON*** - EFHW Kits with Heavy Duty Wire will be back in stock. I have 600m of wire enroute for the kits - (DX UL…) .

If you have never had the privilege to work with Peter at DX Wire - he's great. Thank You, Peter.

22 - 0

Posted 4 days ago

I'm thinking of including something like this in each order. Custom callsign caps (With the option of everyone who purchased one in the past, to get a free one (minus shipping). Just a nice personal touch to compliment what I believe is a nice mast. This is not for certain yet as I need to ensure it's feasible for me to keep up with that (I typically print all the caps in a large batch or 6).

Again, These are NOT YET available.

78 - 13

Posted 5 days ago

Your Opinion (not for me).

at $800 USD, the Xiegu X6200 (sold by ​‪@Radioddityradio‬ and Amazon (720 USD / Affiliate link - ) is:

20 - 11

Posted 6 days ago


I mentioned I would have a video or two. My voice is feeling a bit better and one of those videos will be out soon. I bought a Sticker Printer.

Not only do I think this sticker printer is cool for the price, I think it's a going to become one of the most popular crafting tools of 2025 and YOUR best tool for revival IF you've purchased too many ham radios!

. @hotoprinter has come out with the PixCut S1. I will have a review / overview on the ease and simplicity of this printer, as well as some cons (there are cons)..

IMPORTANT FOR HAMS: ******* If you're already in the dog house and cannot wait, the affiliate link right here will get you the product via Amazon and it's cheaper than the kickstarter (which I also bought one of :

To me this is a cool upgrade for a Dude with a small radio type store.. It allows me to add a fun/customized sticker with certain orders (as a thank you.)

Do you consider yourself a crafter?

24 - 3

Posted 1 week ago

Thanks in Advance, I need a direction:

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the art of storytelling in my videos. Watching some of my older content, I realized how much I LOVED the dynamic camera cuts, cohesive storylines, and satisfying wrap-ups. Those elements made the process fun and gave each video a sense of adventure, even when it was just me and my gear.

But here’s the kicker: whenever I strayed even slightly from “just ham radio,” the comments weren’t always kind. You’ve probably heard the jokes: Why are your glasses green? Why’s your hat backwards? You breathe oxygen? It seems there’s always something!

That brings me here—to ask YOU, the community:

What is ham radio to you? Is it just radio, or is it a community?

What do you like to see in my Ham Radio videos?
Is it the pure technical breakdowns? The outdoor setups? Or something else entirely?

If you don’t see your preference in the poll, drop me a comment. I’m genuinely curious and open to ideas. My goal isn’t to spark confrontation—it’s to understand. If you feel the need to be negative, well, that’s on you and your own bad energy.

I’ve linked examples of different types of videos I’ve done, like my travel-focused Texas Ham Radio video. That was one of my favorite videos to make—combining my love for travel and radio—but boy, was it expensive!

Your input is appreciated (I only mention money in these, so some get an idea how much videos could cost. I can continue to make videos if they are expensive, but I have to limit other videos, etc).

1. Texas Ham Radio. I love travel vlogs and I love radio. This was probably one of my favorite videos to make, but EXPENSIVE. -

2. Straight to overview type videos. These videos can be EXPENSIVE or "FREE". For example XTENNAS sent me this product, which made it "FREE" for me ("FREE" because my time is worth something). I hope they enjoyed it and I believe it was a decent video -

3. Comparisons. Again these are VERY expensive. NO company is sending me products for free, to compare against their cheaper alternative. Which means, I have to purchase multiple products. In this video, I spent over 200$ USD for products to compare, I have made 24$ back -

4.. I don't know that I need to showcase any of my giveaway videos.

My non ham videos seem to be pretty good. Octoprint build videos, Fixing Windows Errors, if that is the avenue you found me, I would love to hear!

6 - 16

Posted 1 week ago

Filling out some ‪@BridgeComSystemsInc‬ paperwork. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't tag it, just a little bit:

14 - 6

Posted 1 week ago

It's cold outside. Stay warm and watch some videos:

4 - 0

Posted 2 weeks ago


So now that you have a general idea of what the DELTA DUDE is. What would I have changed and why was there no video?

As I've hinted, I want you to think and find what works for you. The problem is, there are a lot of Armchair quarterbacks who are hyper fixated on not giving constructive criticism, but straight up being assholes. I just don't want to deal with it because I show you a product that works for me, but isn't perfect. "DUR AT 3:04 seconds, you said AXE instead of ask" :rolls eyes:

No matter what I could do for this video, I let them get in my head. Whatever though, I hope everyone finds peace one day.

Things I would have changed:
1. the heavy duty wire would be terminated with Fork connectors. (open wire is just a mess, as shown).
2. I would improve the Choke
3.. I would test the efficiency

But I am sharing this post with you (or these multiple posts), why? Because I some faith that someone is going to pick up on this project, make this, do some tests, whatever.

Will this be for sale - The delta dude... "I would buy one" is a lot of responses I get a lot of time.. and no, not currently.

Even though I am using a mast in the photos, I want to mention, the best part was the "NO MAST NEEDED" way of throwing it over a tree. Of course, you don't want to damage your toroid, but remember that Dude Spike 2.0 I created??? WHOA, you can use those as the tent spikes on the corners of the delta dude, THEN you can ALSO use the Dude Spike 2.0 to throw the wire over the tree, keeping your Ferrites safe!..... Mind blown..

While I have to take off some time from videos, I may make more posts like this. This will allow me to try and improve my writing/grammar/etc, while also having fun showing off my many projects (There are a lot)

And soon: I'll talk about why my ‪@DXCommanderHQ‬ build has been on a hiatus (with photos)

14 - 0