Brains, brains, I won't lie! I'll eat your brains 'till you're zombified...
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
IMPORTANT NOTE: Spam comments on any of my videos will be removed and will result in the poster being blocked. DON'T DO IT.
Get the hell away from my channel:
Microsoft people
XBox fans
People who say Microsoft saved Banjo-Kazooie
Come to my channel:
Nintendo people
Rare people who want to go back to Nintendo
Banjo-Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot, Conker and Mario fans who want the first 3 to be in a Smash Bros. game
-|___|- ♠ ♣TH3 AG3NT 0F CHA0S♥ ♦
-|___| -Put This On Your Page If You LOVE
-|___|-The Joker's Pencil Trick From
-|___|-The Dark Knight!
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