This channel initially got going at the latter end of 2015 based on a home made bracket to hold an old waterproof digital camera to the top of the mast when windsurfing in a gale! Some of the early videos on the channel show this quite well. Since then I have progressed into cheap 'gopro' type cameras and still mainly film windsurfing and on-water adventures in the kayak too. I mostly windsurf in and around Poole in the UK. Most people who have subscribed or who comment on videos seem to be interested in the 'old school' element, using windsurfing gear from the past (80s/90s) and still getting some useful fun using this older and cheaper gear. I like all aspects of windsurfing and still use some classic gear from the past. Nevertheless, there is no particular aim or purpose to the channel, nor any production values- most videos go up unedited, showing a 'real' sessions with all the 'imperfections'. Comments, suggestions and offers of free kit are always welcome! Andy :)