Our life is compared with travel. When I go to distant countries, I break away from the ordinary and become light and free, like the wind. I am learning to trust my intuition, to see this world, to understand its hidden meanings. My channel is not only about my impressions of trips to different countries and places of power. First of all, it is an attempt at spiritual journey and spiritual growth.
1. Travel diary.
This is a 3-5 minute video of the travel experience. A fascinating video sequence with offscreen music.
2. Short films on different topics: countries, people, persons, flora and fauna ...
3. The philosophy of life.
These are variations on different topics with voice-over text in English and Russian.
4. RELAX - minutes.
This is a minute sketches of moods to the music.
5. Slideshows on different topics lasting one minute using my photos.
Our life is a journey. I like to travel and I think the world is our mirror. Join me and you will see the planet through my eyes.