Elizabeth Devlin, with her haunting combination of lilting voice and enchanting autoharp, is a self-produced NYC singer-songwriter. Devlin defies traditional musical structure with many of her songs, building miniature narratives and magical worlds where characters, fantasies and time collide. Devlin released her third, full length album, Orchid Mantis, in February 2017. Devlin's first release in over five years, Orchid Mantis is a follow-up to the previously released albums: For Whom the Angels Named (Fall of 2011), Ladybug EP (Winter 2011) and All Are Relative (Winter 2009). Devlin has toured nationally, internationally, & performs regularly at venues in her home town Brooklyn/NYC.
More info: www.ElizabethDevlinMusic.com
Please purchase this music and support this independent musician so she can keep on making more music! elizabethdevlin.bandcamp.com