in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
International Women's Day!
May your life be full of joy and badass sisters - real or from other misters!
photo by Paulina Siwiec Fotografia
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Kim jesteśmy?
Jesteśmy jednym z najdłużej istniejących w Polsce (od 2009 r.) zespołów tańca FCBD style (Fat Chance Bellydance). To eklektyczny styl łączący elementy tańca orientalnego i tańców folklorystycznych północnej Afryki, a także flamenco i tańców indyjskich. Jedną z jego głównych cech jest grupowa improwizacja, która sprawia, że każdy występ jest niepowtarzalny i możemy go przygotować choćby parę minut przed wejściem na scenę 😉 (choć tworzymy również choreografie 🙂 ).
W tańcu wykorzystujemy różne rekwizyty: wachlarze, tamburyny, miecze, mantony, spódnice czy fanveile. Inspiracji do występów szukamy w różnych kulturach świata. Niektóre z nas prowadzą również zajęcia z FCBD – w Warszawie (Szkoła Tańca Hamsa - i w Łodzi (kontakt przez Aurora Dance Community -
Występujemy na galach tanecznych, koncertach, a także innych wydarzeniach, w które wpasuje się nasz taniec. Przygotowujemy również nagrania taneczne. Jeśli masz pomysł na współpracę, zapraszamy do kontaktu mailowego lub w wiadomości prywatnej 🙂
Zdjęcie: Paulina Siwiec Fotografia
Who are we?
We are one of the longest existing – since 2009 – FCBD style (Fat Chance Bellydance) dance groups in Poland. It’s an eclectic style combining elements of oriental dance and folkloric dances of North Africa, as well as flamenco and Indian dances. One of its main features is group improvisation, which makes each performance unique and we can prepare it even a few minutes before entering the stage 😉 (but we create also choreographies 🙂 ).
We use various props in our performances: fans, tambourines, swords, mantons, skirts and fanveils. We look for inspiration for our art in various cultures of the world. Some of us also conduct FCBD classes – in Warsaw (Hamsa Dance School - and in Łodź (contact via Aurora Dance Community -
We perform at dance galas, concerts, and other events where we can share the energy of our dance. We also prepare dance recordings. If You have an idea for collaboration, please contact us by e-mail or private message 🙂
Photo: Paulina Siwiec Fotografia
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Did we just dance to beautiful music of @Laboratoriumpiesni with fanveils?
Perhaps ❤️
Check out our first #shorts to see how it went!
photo by Hilight Photos
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Check out the video of our June performance in Nysa.
Photo from last year's performance at this great venue:
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The Siren Society is the oldest FCBD®Style dance troupe in Warsaw (Poland) and was founded in 2009. Since its’ debut it has been focused on FCBD®Style better known as American Tribal Style®.
TSS has been dancing, teaching and promoting FCBD® in Warsaw and Poland for many many years. In 2014 two group members received the title of FCBD® Sister Studio, becoming the first Sister Studios in Warsaw.
All members continue to improve their dance skills. They perform in Polish and international dance events and festivals and also create and participate in many dance initiatives, including countrywide (and world-renowned).
The Siren Project - group focused on ATS/FCBD® Movement Dialect with flamenco props: fan and manton. Sirens teach FCBD® countrywide in Poland as well as in Europe and Asia. Group members also organise Poland events and festivals promoting oriental culture and dance styles.
Follow our fanpage to keep up to date with our workshops and performances.
Big cover foto by MargoFoto