Little Buddy Productions mission is to bring originality and innovation to Public Safety Agencies, Small Businesses, and Non-Profit organizations by promoting their mission and Telling Their Story
Having a strong social media presence has become essential these days in keeping the public up to date on what your organization is doing, and the services you provide.
Shooting a DIY video with a Smart Phone is convenient, but will the creator have an understanding of editing, color grading and graphics that render a polished production that you are proud of?
Our services include:
Promotional videos for your social media and website
Public Safety Recruitment
Location/Station opening,
Public Events
New Product/Service Launch
Milestone Event videosÂ
(Retirement, Badge pinning)
Training and instructional videosÂ
(New hire, Continuing Education)
Real Estate Tour Videos
All are filmed in 1080 or 4K and are edited in professional quality.