Hi I am Medyhne, a Spiritual Teacher & Holistic Healer/Coach of 30 years, practicing multiple healing modalities & energy healing (qualified Minister of Healing, a Reiki Master etc) with a global Clientele. I am tertiary trained (B.A & Post Grad Dip),a published Author; internationally published Singer/Songwriter; Visual Artist; International Radio Host, Workshops & Int Retreats (Bali Retreat, 2017). I founded a successful Wellness Centre in regional Victoria, Australia. Please join my "Soul Family" Rumble Channel at rumble.com/c/SoulFamily
Please support this Channel & become part of my “Arise Humanity” Patreon Community at www.patreon.com/arisehumanity . Lots of activities here like the Community Chat & Soul Mastery Group (Planetary Healing). I am very grateful to anyone who joins, you will help me to continue my work supporting the collective & will become part of our connected, wonderful Online Community.