We All Deserve to Breathe Clean Air.
ㅅㅗㄹ Is Here to Guarantee You Clean Air.
ㅅㅗㄹ 솔 공기청정기는 한옥의 창호틀에서 영감을 받아
탄생한 Color&Efficiency를 추구하는 공기청정기 브랜드입니다.
ㅅㅗㄹ is an air purifier brand that pursues color and efficiency
that was inspired by the window frame of Hanok.
Just as the window paper of Hanok connects "inside" and "outside,"
it is our motto ㅅㅗㄹ sol air purifiers connect "inside" and "outside" safely
for those who use ㅅㅗㄹ sol air purifiers.