The SNB Channel “Sharing the Truth”
In October 23, 2001 a baby boy was born as a prieeme. A month earlier than expected, Seth Nathaniel Burke came into this world! At his birth, Seth was dying and wasn’t expected to live. The doctors said that Seth would never walk, talk, hear, nor see. If he lives, he wouldn't lived long; but God. A year and half later, the doctors said that Seth was on the Autistic spectrum and Asperger’s. In May, 2017, Seth started a YouTube channel called “The SNB Channel” [(S)eth (N)athaniel (B)urke] and his mission was... as the motto states: “Sharing the Truth”. As you can tell, his mission is being successful and he continues through singing, playing, and preaching to “Share the Truth”. Even though he may be autistic, it will not stop him from serving Jesus Christ and will not keep him down from praising his Lord, Savior, and Healer! So welcome and follow us on our journey here on The SNB Channel! God bless you in Jesus Name #autism #christian #bealight