Dobrodosli na TFF kanal, mi smo blizanci Bruno i Dorian, koji pecaju iskljucivo feeder tehnikom.Na ovom kanalu mozete ocekivati ozbiljan ribolov i zabavu u cemu je i poanta samog ribolova.Cilj nam je prenjet znanje na mladje generacije i pokazat im zasto je ribolov super sport za svakog klinca a i starije ljude ! Dolazimo iz Zagreba i mozete ocekivati puno pecanja na rijeci Savi a uz nju ce bit ukljucene i druge rijeke! Zapratite nas ! Bistro,vole vas Twinsi.
Welcome to the TFF channel, we are twins Bruno and Dorian, who fish exclusively with the feeder technique. On this channel you can expect serious fishing and fun, which is the point of fishing. Our goal is to transfer knowledge to younger generations and show them why fishing is great sport for every kid and older people too! We come from Zagreb and you can expect a lot of fishing on the Sava River and other rivers will be included along it!