This channel is designed to show you: things that I do , preyentaţions, tips, sports, music and many other things i do and want to Share whith you. If you have the Subscribe, Like, Share. For collaboraţion you can contact me at you can contact me on Facebook at Iosif Crăciun and on the Iosif Crăciun group or on Insagram at Crăciun 245 where you can talk to me and ask me: questions, video ideas, collaboraţions, or if you want promoţions and other good things understood not for free that I work a lot on the videos I makes. Thank you for alwais being with me, and for supporting me, you are encouraging me and you can continue to support me because i will make some very beautiful videos and you are looking to improve my video quality. If you support me with encouragement I will be able to do this and with your help I will only succeed. Joseph Christmas