in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Before I forget (again), I'm going to officially declare myself as semi-active (if it wasn't obvious). Life has me busy and my mental health drains too quickly whenever I spend too much time surrounding myself with anything to do with Warriors. The books and animations pretty much raised me, and I have a deep emotional connection to them. That also comes with personal memories of the past ten years though that I don't like reliving. I can't believe it's been so long since I first discovered the first book and roleplayed for the first time and ohhh time flies. So, I'll be around every now and then, and I'll get to replying to emails whenever I feel able to. I probably won't officially declare any hiatuses anymore. I'm here, I'm sometimes not, I'll look for videos sometimes, and I will get back to you when I can if you reach out to me.
Also, I don't know if I've mentioned yet, but I have a little website now on my channel page! Feel free to check it out sometime if you're interested.
Have a good day/night everyone :)
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The month is nearly over, but now is better than never... Happy Pride, everyone! Stay safe out there; the world is not kind.
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I have a new idea for new videos: compilations of songs from Warriors videos. Those types of singular videos that are music playlists, essentially. The thumbnail wouldn't be Warriors or anything like that; it would just be a compilation of songs used in Warriors videos. That way, one could listen to the music without having to have Warriors videos in the history of one's YouTube account. I don't spend a lot of time with Warriors anymore for the sake of my mental health (I make sure my YouTube recommendations outside of this channel never have any Warriors in them), but I still love the music people use, and I like to listen to the songs separately. There could be Warriors nostalgia soundtracks, map series soundtracks, AMV soundtracks, etc.
I don't have much passion or energy to make this myself, so I'm leaving this idea out there for all of you to see. There could be a channel dedicated to this and/or individual people making these videos. I dunno; these are just my late night thoughts I scheduled to be posted in the morning :)
138 - 4
I'm taking a break from the channel for the rest of the month (recently, my final exams for this semester ended! I had to move out of my dorm right after... thank you, university. I am very tired) but there are two MAPs that I've been searching for for a long time, yet still haven't been found. I've gotten requests for them again. They are:
- Skeptics and True Believers Spiderleg MAP (Hosted by Arbiter/Cranbuury/Oripathy)
I've never actually watched either of them, but Spiderleg was posted around 2019, and Spottedleaf around 2018, to my knowledge. If anyone has the files of either of these, please send them in! I'd love to see them and reupload them by the time I come back in June. Any other MAPs by these two individuals are welcomed as well (if Redeye had any others; I'm not sure if they did, I don't actually know who they are).
Also, be sure to check out the community post before this one to help Sparroet find his old videos!
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@Sparroet has asked for help in finding some of his old videos! If you have any of these, please feel free to send them to either of us (I can forward files by email to him). His old usernames were Mienshaoisepic and Mien-cat! These videos are from 2012.
-Hollyleaf's Musical Suicide (ORIGINAL) - uses "Musical Suicide" by TomSka
-Scourge AMV I'm Glad You Came - uses "I'm Glad You Came" by The Wanted
-Hollyleaf AMV L I E S - uses "L I E S" by Illbringyoudown
-Cinderpelt AMV Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now - "Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now" by Joss Stone
-Yellowfang's Prophecy Not Your Fault (ORIGINAL) uses "Not Your Fault" by AWOLNATION
-Mapleshade AMV Wandering Star Preview (may or may not exist) uses "Wandering Star" by Portishead. Notably Mapleshade was yellow and white in this
Please help us find these if you can! He's been looking for these for a long time.
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I found some old Silverwolfnyght videos! They're scheduled to appear on the channel today. If anyone has the When I come Around: Warriors MAP, I would appreciate if you shared it with me by email, since despite my efforts so far, I can't find it.
I realized something recently. Some videos on the channel don't have content warnings, yet need them. If you weren't around in "the olden days" (lol), content warnings just weren't put as often as they are now. Because of this, I want to add content warnings to all videos that need them, but since I'm busy with class right now (finals are surrounding me.... help. I miss running this channel as a hobby), I can't go through every video to check each one at this time (I want to at some point soon, but that’ll take a while). I need your help to speed up this process—Which videos need content warnings for flashing, blood, etc., on this channel, if they don't already have them in the title or video itself?
As I mentioned previously, I want to rebrand my channel so I can archive more than just Warriors, which means fans from whatever I chose to archive will be here, too, and they may not know that Warriors videos often contain what's mentioned above (and may not be used to seeing it). I don't want to accidentally hurt them if they end up watching other reuploads, and it's just a good thing in general to put content warnings for everyone anyways.
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So... future plans for this channel. I have a list of lost Warriors videos I was requested to find back in 2020 and 2021, so I'll see if I can find any of those this upcoming summer when I have free time. After that though, I don't know what I'll do with this channel. I might rebrand and make it a lost media archive for more than just Warriors if I want to continue being an archivist, or I might just let it be and check it every now and then for removal requests. I dunno. I have found and reuploaded the vast majority of stuff I wanted to, and am happy with the channel as it stands. I wonder if my passion for lost media will return at some point. Who knows!
I'll be paying attention to if and when major channels go down. If someone is exposed for something terrible, feel free to send me links and documents about it. I'd appreciate it; I'm not a user on twitter, where a lot of this stuff happens. It'd make looking for information on artists a whole lot easier, and the sooner I'm notified, the better, so I can start archiving and preparing.
I don't wish to dwell on this too much, but in the past I've had some... not great experiences with people in this fandom, so if I ever become much more active like I used to be, I will probably rebrand. It took a while for me to realize that not everyone who interacts with me and helps me find lost media are the best. This fandom, running this channel, and keeping track of who's done what have all taken a toll on my mental health. I'm not someone who likes fame anyways; it's scary to me. I want to be cringe and free in my own little space, and have found a lot more happiness being a small writer elsewhere in another fandom that doesn't explode once a month. Whew.
Oh yeah, one more thing. I updated the Disclaimer on every video with more information I had just on my About page. So things should be even more clear now. I've checked and updated pretty much every part of every description recently, so I hope it all helps! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there's anything else I should add to the Disclaimers!
152 - 19
CAUTION: This post contains brief mentions of harassment, p*dophilia, and z**philia.
Back in 2021, I was contacted by someone to share a callout about an artist named 芽糖Maltose. I did so, having been convinced by them that this person was dangerous. The callout accused her of being a p*dophile and a z**phile, and now I know that the callout is incorrect and it was very wrong of me to spread it. I've apologized to 芽糖Maltose about it. I want to share 芽糖Maltose's video with you with her permission (you can find that permission given to me in the comments of the video).
The reasons I'm sharing this now is because:
1. 芽糖Maltose, as a victim of so much awful trauma, deserves to be heard. She's been terribly harassed in the Warriors community and no one deserves that. Please read her doc linked in her video's description.
2. I gave all of you, my audience, huge misinformation about her. I sincerely apologize to all of you.
3. I've seen some comments recently praising me for running this channel. I would like to say, however, that I'm not perfect. I'm just another person on the internet. I make mistakes, just like anyone else. I have helped to spread horrible misinformation about an artist in the Warriors community, and I'm so, so sorry. I hope this post will help clear things up and the harassment towards 芽糖Maltose will end.
Please be kind in the comments, both on this post and in her video. Please read the doc before commenting anywhere.
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I've taken a look at my artists info post and have made sure all links work. Every link has been put into the Wayback Machine as well, in case they break. For video descriptions, I'm going to change the post link to an "About The Artist" section, and only link the post there when someone has done something gross. When someone hasn't done something gross, I will provide a brief explanation in that section as to what happened to the video and/or artist. Additionally, the post link will now go directly to the doc version, since I'm aware now that iPad users cannot see community posts. There's a link to the community post at the top of the doc; rest assured it's not going anywhere! It's the same information.
Also, all song links should be working now. I've added song names alongside the links in case the links start breaking. My apologies for fixing all this so late :(
I hope this will be a lot more convenient! I'll be working on changing this over the coming week.
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Welcome to Rain's Reuploads! This is my archive of lost media. Most of it is Warriors, as that is my speciality. I used to be known as Warrior Cats Reuploads. You can find more about me here:
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT these artists. I do NOT support the problematic ones, either. This channel is for archiving purposes. If you would like a video reuploaded that has been lost or would like your content taken down, please email me. Email is the preferred method of communication; comments can get lost. Additionally, it is preferred that the file and any other information about the video are sent in with requests to make my job a lot easier and faster. I reserve the right to deny or remove any reupload requests due to the right of the artists over their work and my own personal preference. Nothing on this channel is monetized by me; all advertisements are from music artists and YouTube itself. Thank you!
Channel art is from the Warriors books.