🇹🇷Slm ben 13 yasindayim Azerbeycanniyim edit capcut ve aligth motion ikisini kullanlyom.🇺🇸 Hello, I am 12 years old and I am from Azerbaijan. I use both Capcut and Alignment Motion. 🇹🇷Hedef 200 arkadaslarim saitcan tacno titantvmenedits ve editmotor derbiye edit derbiye edit en yakin arka niye ilk biz gruo kurduk neyse var devam Yunanistan arka var ve saitcan fan ahmetimer var askim var iste tv momun bir danete arka tv momun bu kadar 🇺🇸The target is 200 my friends saitcan tacno titantvmengedits and editmotor derbyyeedits derbyye my closest friend why did we first form a group anyways I have a friend from Greece and unfortunately it doesn't fit in the back