Welcome! Thanks for visiting. I'm kind of dead here now, but you can still check out my videos...Or not. There are better channels out there. Most of my videos here were made when I was 12-14 years old, haha. :P I'm done making videos now, but I'll still keep this channel up.
I made my icon and background pictures with Photoshop CS5. They're pictures of my Sonic the Hedgehog fan character, Anthey the Cat. Here are links to the original pictures: anthey925.deviantart.com/art/Oh-Snap-It-s-Anthey-5… and anthey925.deviantart.com/art/Anthey-And-Her-Anthey…
I know my first videos have high-pitched voices (long story), but I've stopped doing that. My good videos have this in the title: ☆
Here on this channel you will find animations involving Sonic the Hedgehog. Before anybody asks, I do NOT do sub 4 sub or videos/picture requests.
Other sites you can find me on: