Hi there, folks!
We, IGiveYouVideos, are a group of four boys who mainly make Machinimas.
GTA IV Machinimas comming up
We have made a little blog, where we hope to get to show you some more facts and news than we can here at our YouTube Channel.
Now we've made the videos whe promised, and
now we're in the making of some new ones.
A Bad Day:
Is a Halo cartoon. It will be about Master Chief screwing up Johnsons day.. It won't be out before the winter again, hopefully.
Our Xbox Live gamer tags are:
MarkTang, CRAZY DELTA, doggydog A16 and RezaLive
And also - Our Bungie.net group: www.bungie.net/Fanclub/igiveyouvideos/Group/GroupH…