Welcome to my channel where I post my podcast/videos with information I believe God wants us to know for these last days.
The ministry is called Without Spot or Blemish because that's the type of Church Jesus is returning for, and it's time for us to get cleaned up for His (post-tribulation) return. Time for us to seek the Lord with all our hearts and abide under the shadow of His wing.
My prayer is that the videos posted here, the articles on my blog (withoutspotorblemish.blogspot.com) and the free-to-download songs I post on www.reverbnation.com/withoutspotorblemishministrymusic will help you draw ever closer to the Lord.
There is no charge for anything on any of my sites. Some have asked to donate, and you can do so here: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&ho…