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Joshua O. Babalola

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You-Nik Elevator Moments | Mr. Tobi Obanla Classic Sound to the Nations | FAVOUR Spectacular Miracle at YMR 2024 @YoungMinistersRetreatTestimoni @PDanielOlawande YMRWitnesses @PDanielOlawande @ProphetKimClement @EJLifeMissions @TomiArayomi#TheFlagBearer Jamming BRING TO PASS: NCCF PROPHECIES | Justrings TheFlagBearer @Rural Rugged⁶ #KeffinWambai #NCCFRURALRUGGED LET'S CELEBRATE!!! #Coke @Coca-Cola THE DAY OF FEASTS AND CELEBRATIONS | The Kings & Queens | SOLD OUT - CALL OF GOD - DAN. 11:32B 2 by 2 | Evangelism Report 1 | Joshua Babalola 2 by 2 | Evangelism' Report | Samuel Peter The FlagBearer waves the flag at church every Sunday| A year after #TheJourneyOfTheFlagBearers SPIRIT of DAVID dance #DeborahDavid Dress Rehearsals #NCCFarchives #MaranathaUnit #NasarawaWonder We got to teach and learn how to play the game SUDOKU - it helps maths reasoning & problem solving Young FlagBearers #Soldiers WORSHIP FOR NATIONS - 'We Exalt You, Oh Lord's over Nations & Kingdoms #21DaysWorshipForNations January 9, 2024 #SpiritOfDavid Maranatha: Oh Come² | Justrings @nccfnasarawalafia #SpiritOfDavid MARANATHA: Oh COME! | PapaPrecious ft Justrings The FlagBearer 'in the middle of it' | TESTIMONIES EVERYWHERE AROUND NCCF NATIONAL THEME (2024): THE HAND OF THE LORD YOU-NIK GROUP OF SCHOOLS | ThinkLoud Recites the Secondary Schools MISSION & VISION FILL MY CUP LORD! - Justice Joshua #futuretelling #Fillmycup #PoeticProphet Pastor E.A Adeboye | The Blessing RCCF on their Evangelical Visit to You-Nik Academy on Dec. 1, '23 #revival Th THINK LOUD #leadership #Psaltery #Archives #PsalmistProphet #YouthEnergy Prince of Light rise in Nigeria I - Kim Clement Prince of Light Rise in Nigeria - Kim Clement The Gathering of Little Fire, BURN THE WORLD - #FlagBearers @LawrenceOyor #NIGERIA_GREAT_DESTINY #NigeriaPrays #NEWNIGERIANOW @KimClement @PDanielOlawande #FlagBearerYMR2022 when God finds four lepers - #PstChingtokIshaku #NewNigeria #NigeriaPrays #NigeriaWatches Trust in God as a magnifier of all little steps in Righteousness Missionaries | Intercessors | Financiers - Know your Place. Apostle Michael Orokpo 'Its not in the length of Prayer, its in the Quality', NOT YOU! - Pastor John Buoye Take Heed! When you begin to despise the weight of your Calling. "Ancient Mantles" #PastorJohnBuoye Pastor John Buoye #AncientMantles #Responsibility #TheAwakening audio clip of Apostle Effa Emmanuel @The Surge Conference Kaduna, mute video of Apst. Orokpo