極致假期專門分享來自全球關於酒店/飯店、度假村的資訊,也涵蓋旅遊、美食、生活與人物等多面向的報導,希望藉由精彩圖文,為讀者打開眼界,增廣見聞,同時,也看見世界的廣闊與美好。目前也與Line Today、PChome 新聞、PChome Online 旅行團、蕃新聞與OwlNews等媒體平台同步聯播。
From the angle of hotels and resorts, Extreme Holiday delivers the latest news of hospitality industry around the world, as well as the attractive and updated stories of food, travel, lifestyle and people. We wish the high-quality content could broaden reader’s horizons and open their eyes with the abundant information. Now we also work with Line Today、PChome News, PChome Online Traveland OwlNews. You can read more content of us on these platforms.