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Author of "Return of the Keepers" a Sci-fi Fantasy novel ava

It’s infectious 🙌💕 #booktube #writer #books #mywriters #writing #novels #bookish #authortube #fyp PLLEEAASSEEE #booktube #writer #mywriters #books #writing #authors #cozyathome #fyp Oh… #writer #booktube #bookish #authorscommunity #books #bookworm #writing #fantasy #dreamers #fyp The absolute BEST time 😎 #booktube #writer #bookish #bookworm #authorscommunity #writing #fyp Hahaha!! Yes… but no #booktube #authorslife #writer #booktok #bookworm #writing #novel #fyp HAHAHHA normal 😆 #booktube #books #writing #writer #authorslife #bookworm #writerscommunity #fyp RO you absolutely QUEEN #booktube #writerscommunity #books #booktok #bookworm #characters #fyp Ohh My bad i was wrong #booktube #books #bookish #bookrecommendations #writerscommunity #fyp It’s been a long journey ❤️ #booktube #bookish #writerscommunity #writer #authorslife #fyp Oh I was wrong 😑 #booktube #books #bookish #booktok #writerscommunity #writers #fyp Just a little something I call my NOVEL 😘 #booktube #bookish #books #writerscommunity #authors #fyp How DARE YOU #booktube #books #booktok #bookish #writerscommunity #writers #fyp Haha…. no #booktube #writerscommunity #writer #fictionwriter #bookish #daydreamer #fyp I need smooches 💋 #booktube #bookish #writerscommunity #books #booktok #fictionwriter #fyp Time for a new story #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #booktok #writerscommunity #writer #fyp Poor Metis #returnofthekeepers #booktube #bookish #writerscommunity #books #booktok #fyp I feel a little l-l-l-l-legendary #booktube #fictionwriter #writer #bookwriter #books #bookish #fyp Best feeling EVER #booktube #bookwriter #books #writerscommunity #writer #fyp Ahh… whoops 🤷‍♀️ #booktube #writer #bookish #books #characters #bookwriter #fyp Metis has it all: guilt AND obsession #returnofthekeepers #booktube #bookwriter #bookish #books #fy These wonderful creators can be found on tiktok 🫶 #booktube #fictionwriter #books #writer #fyp Her-ath… Hir-ayth?? #booktube #bookwriter #bookish #writer #fictionwriter #books #writerscommunity Girl come back #booktube #fictionwriter #writer #booktok #bookish #bookwriter #writerscommunity #fyp Well someone has to !! #returnofthekeepers #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #writer #fanart #fyp My poor little dude 😔 #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #writer #writerscommunity #fyp It could all just disappear 🫠 #booktube #writer #fictionwriter #books #writing #fyp Girl this is not a person you should fall for #booktube #bookish #bookwriter #booktok #fiction #fyp Return of the Keepers 🔮💕#returnofthekeepers #booktube #bookish #writer #bookwriter #fyp Those one liners are the best !! #booktube #bookish #bookwriter #books #writer #booktok #fyp It starts with a t guys I FORGOT IT #booktube #bookwriter #books #writerscommunity #writer That was such a weird period of time LOL #booktube #bookwriter #writer #books #writerscommunity Especially dystopian novels!! #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #booktok #books #fyp How could you 😔 #booktube #bookwriter #booktok #bookish I REFUSE to loose another comfort character #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #bookwriter #booktok How’d ya guess 🧙 #booktube #fictionwriter #bookish #bookwriter #writer #booktok #fyp Little me would be so proud 🥹 #booktube #fictionwriter #booktok #bookwriter #writer #fyp Guys what are you talking about?? He’s alive 😀 #booktube #fictionwriter #writer #booktok #books Whoops my bad #booktube #fictionwriter #bookwriter #writer #authortube #bookish It’s been quite the journey 🥰 #fictionwriter #booktube #bookish #bookwriter #writer #fyp A genius character in a subject you have no knowledge of 🥰 #booktube #bookish #fictionwriter #fyp My bad besties 😔 #fictionwriter #booktube #bookwriter #writer #authortube #books Maybe I’ll be fine 🤷‍♀️ #fictionwriter #booktube #writer #books #booktok #authortube #bookish What do you mean I have to actually write them on paper 😠 #writer #booktube #bookwriter #characters It sounded better at 3 am 🫠 #fictionwriter #booktube #bookwriter #books #writer #booktok Writers Block we do not have time for you rn #booktube #fictionwriter #bookwriter #booktok #writer Return of the Keepers out now on Amazon and in Barnes and Nobles #returnofthekeepers #booktok It’s certainly not on purpose !! #booktube #books #booktok #writertube #writing Sir… Sir the author appears to want a sequel with you as a villain 🦹 #fictionwriter #booktube #book