True heroes do not take lives, they save them ~ honor supports not the intent to harm others, but rather lies in the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others.
I am an ally of integrity before any country. I will not follow blindly, and thus I see the ugliness in this reality.
This killing will never end on the path we have chosen, instead we must collectively refuse to murder.
Real peace is achievable, but not through war. Rather peace is something obtained through bold non-violent action and representation.
Lead by example, and others will follow.
Universal refusal to kill, no matter the circumstance. Non-lethal tactics exclusively. We must refuse to become what we fight.
We must protect the world, not just a portion of it. We must save everyone, not just ourselves.
Good people are all over this world, even in the homes of your "enemy". You are the person you fight, and in this killing them is suicide.