Hiya people, you came to the right place! Quick Info; I started my coding journey in June 2020, a year in which lockdown started. So I took advantage of it and learnt many things. It was great fun learning from the absolute beginning. Few websites I'll recommend for Beginners are:
Scratch - Loads of fun
Code.ORG - Many new things to learn
Machine Learning for Kids - Great amount of Information for Kids
Clevered & Utech are both great Places to take classes from. Link: www.facebook.com/beclevered?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Link: www.utech-edu.com/
Moving on, this channel is mainly about *[-_Coding_-]*, *[-_Keyboard/Piano🎶_-]*, *[-_Singing🎤_-]*, *[-_Artz&Craft/Ideas_-]*,*[-_Many Trending/Random Shorts_-]* and⭐Of Course⭐*[-_Robloxz_-]*. I hope you all will support me, after all....We are a One BIG Family! ❤Luv U All❤