Video, audio, photos, links and posts about local original music in the Wilmington, Del., area in the 1980s -- some '70s and '90s too, with lots of video from "Opening Acts," a local-access cable TV show (Rollins cable channel 19) which aired in the 1980s featuring local bands. Opening Acts was co- Produced by Michael Schwartz, Charles Lach McDonald and Jan Muto. Also some new recordings of local bands with 80's roots and a few of my personal family videos.
Here is a link to my Facebook group "The Music Scene in the 1980's Wilmington ,Delaware. There are many comments there, and a lot of the same videos .
Please note:
Probably the best way to view these videos are from oldest to newest.
There are a few personal videos mixed in, if you are not interested don't watch.
There are a few newer videos I shot, mostly reunions of bands from that era.