iChannel AS: HUUMANity
LOVE or enlightenment is the original state of all mankind on EAR(th).But it is the achievement of "becoming realized" in to that "original being" of enlightenment that is a rarity to find AS THE HUMANe being. Not every bit of whats HERe ORGANizATiON achiEVEs "becoming" realized . Those that have achieved becoming would be called Buddhas or even 'messengers ': chrISt. A radiation of the highest possible version of a single human embodiment. *The conversation about this Original State of Being is called Buddhism. Usually the talk is had between two people . One is conquered of the dis-eases created of mind : is "enlightened " and realized of it! And the other is not yet realized of their True Self . The Master (or "practitioner) will radiate in immediate response to that which is NOT "you": Will never be of the trap of a mind. :) Feel free to find me over FB. I can do some astrology & you can make a donation in to my cashap/paypal @AEiOUYOUTOO