in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Finally after many long weeks of poor skies, I had opportunity to work on this project framing Orion's belt with IC434. This is an RGBHa image and still a WIP preview as I continue to collect data.
#astrophotography #telescope #astronomy #nebula #stars
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IC434 / Horsehead
3 hours and 45 minutes of Ha data taken from my backyard 10" Newtonian and 294MM-Pro.
#astrophotography #telescope #astronomy #backyardastro
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I've been imaging the Trunk over several nights. Total integration time on this project is 24 hours.
I think I'm done here for now.
IC1396 / Elephant's Trunk Nebula
ES127ED 950mm f/7.5
HoTech SCA Flattener
Antlia ALP-T
288 x 300s
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The Iris Nebula / NGC 7023
Captured over 2 days (so far). I think this image is great but I plan to continue to gather data over the coming moonless nights.
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Just kinda anything tech...Linux, CompSec, Programing, Backyard Mechanic, Backyard Astro. I don't often screen cap, unless I think its something unique and maybe would be helpful to others. If you have a question about anything...drop a note.