We raise healthy and happy babies for family’s! We work with all pups until they leave our home! They are well loved and vet cared for! They are exposed to other animals,
people of all ages,sounds, your day to day life duty’s! They ride great they are create trained and pee pad trained! Well balanced pups when they live in our home! They are very much family pets but can be trained to do what ever you want! Mom was a bird dog and is show material 3365676466 Melissa Ryan 9199514158 next litter due March ! And also In April!! We do also travel for a small cost! Mrugg1234@gmail.com Joyce’s springers on Facebook where you can find all 18 pups and their families! We have a litter due in March we have a few spots still open! We don’t take any deposits till pups are born and picks are made! Reach out anytime we are happy to talk video call what ever works for you!