There is so little published “How To” information for the DB9. Just finding a copy of the official service manual took months (no Chilton’s guides for a DB9 I guess). If you want to change an engine on a Honda Civic, YouTube has 10 video’s covering every step, but you can’t find a single DB9 video on something as simple as an oil change (which I’ve learned isn’t that simple – and now I’ve made one!).
The mission of this Channel is to chronicle what I learn so that others can benefit from it.
I am a car guy and a bit of a nerd, so I am blending those skills to produce this Channel. With some help from my neighbor Rob, a GoPro camera, and YouTube, I hope to make something you can enjoy. [And some graphics help from my friend Ray – Thanks Ray!]
Thanks for watching!
You can check out the companion Blog at for links on where to find the tools, manuals and parts I use in the videos.