This channel provides content related to health, science and education. The content is scientific evidence based, and includes ancient science, modern science, scientific facts, how to live healthy life, how to get choose healthy lifestyle, science for common man, scientific beliefs, health care, diseases, bimariyan, sehat, kasrat, yoga, exercise, food, healthy food habbits. Apart from this we provide free career advice, education guidance, professional advice, how to excel in science, social science, ancient science, science and society, dawaiyan, medicines, myths and science. What is science and health? What is the importance of education and health? What is the importance of science and education? What is science and health degree? What to choose in science? What is the role of science in health? What is the relationship between education and health? What is life science and health? What is basic health science? What is the science of health? How is science related to healthcare?