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Poppy: 30000 ichors:
Poppy trinket: *free 20000009 lchors and gains an 3000 speed than looey*
Poppy ability: *it can get free band and medkits and also it can get 3 hearts when 1 heart*
Poppy stamina: 200000
Poppy skillcheck: 40009
Poppy movement speed: 2928838447759911029293746646452528
Poppy extraction speed: 5509276288277282828272626516839393939376
Poppy stealth: 10000000000099999999999999999999997777777777777777777777777888888999999999999
Boxten: 11999999900092777777777777777777 ichors
Boxten trinket: *it can gains an medkit and band same like Poppy also gains 10000000 movement speed!*
Boxten ability: *it can have all medkits when in elevator!*
Boxtens stats *lazy* : skill check 1000000982736738383999999999999
Movement speed 4444666666662288888
Extraction speed 33398266999999982555555
Stamina 3300000882888888888888866666666111
Stealth 888888999999999977777777555556776666666666666689999999777722233333
Pebble vee sprout shelly astro: *shelly new* all start