Stefan Stenudd, aikido instructor in Sweden, 7 dan Aikikai Shihan, showing aikido basics and techniques.
I started to practice aikido in 1972, when I was 18 years old. Through the years, the Japanese teachers I've practiced for the most are: Toshikazu Ichimura, who was Swedish national instructor for 20 years, Shoji Nishio, Nobuyoshi Tamura, and Seiichi Sugano. Presently, I teach aikido and iaido (Japanese sword art) at Enighet dojo in Malmö, Sweden.
Apart from that, I'm a writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Of course, I've also written a few books about aikido and the martial arts. Check my website for more about that, and about me:
*About comments on my videos*
I read all the comments I get on my YouTube videos. If I feel there is something for me to say about a comment, I will respond to it – when I have the time.
I subscribe to the YouTube guideline that comments should be respectful. Let's stick to common decency.